"One Should Leave Incheon." Five Runs Slack in Shirakawa's Destiny Game, SSG Hearts Head to Elias

"One Should Leave Incheon." Five Runs Slack in Shirakawa's Destiny Game, SSG Hearts Head to Elias

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Short-term foreign pitcher Keisho Shirakawa, who was unfortunately replaced after giving up five points in a game of fate, will the SSG Landers, who are agonizing over whether to extend the team's offer to Roenis Elias or Shirakawa, the current foreign pitcher.

Shirakawa started Game 9 of the season against the KT Wiz of the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 27th and only gave up nine hits (1 home run), five strikeouts and five runs (three earned runs) in five ⅓ innings.

Shirakawa virtually had his last audition a week before his contract expired. He was on shaky ground from the top of the first inning. He started the game thanks to right-handed hit by leadoff hitter Mel Rojas Jr., and met Kang Baek-ho, his follow-up hitter, to offer a two-run shot. He pitched the fifth fastball (145 kilometers) at an unfavorable count of 3B-1S, to the center, leading to a 115-meter left-wall home run. It was his third homer of this season.

He was also shaken up at the top of the second inning when the score was 2-2. The cause of the trouble was that he sent out the first batter, Kim Sang-soo, as an infield hit to the third base. Jung Joon-young's sacrifice bunt later induced a fly ball to hit against Rojas, but the ball missed and fell into an ambiguous position between the left fielder and the shortstop. To make matters worse, Guillermo Herredia, a left fielder, made a mistake in throwing the ball to the third base, giving Kim a home.

Shirakawa regained stability from the top of the third inning. He played his first three-and-out innings by using eight pitches against the center hitters in the order of Oh Jae-il, Bae Jung-dae, and Hwang Jae-gyun. He then showed signs of faltering again in the bottom of the fourth inning, allowing hits against the first batter Oh Yoon-seok and Kim Sang-soo in succession, but did not lose a point by holding Jung Joon-young to a double play and Rojas to ground to the first base.

In the top of the fifth inning when his team led 4-3, Shirakawa struck out leadoff batters Kang Baek-ho and Jang Sung-woo in succession, and caught Oh Jae-il with fly balls to center field, meeting the requirement to become a winning pitcher. He pitched 76 times through the fifth inning.

Shirakawa, who also took the mound in the top of the sixth inning and challenged for a quality start, faced a right-handed hit against the leadoff hitter's allocation. Afterwards, he grounded Hwang Jae-gyun to the first baseman and induced Oh Yoon-seok to hit an infield grounder, but the third baseman Choi Jeong's catch error occurred and he was on the verge of being on the first and second bases with one out.

Shirakawa's mission was over. With the team leading 5-3, the team passed the baton to veteran Ko Hyo-joon and ended the game unfortunately with runners on the first and second bases with one out in the top of the sixth inning. Despite this, fans at home of the SSG gave Shirakawa a standing ovation, 노래방알바 which was effectively the last showcase.

Later, with the bases loaded with one out and one outs, which was faced with Kim Sang-soo's infield hit, both of Shirakawa's successors came home after receiving a timely two-run hit against pinch-hitter Moon Sang-cheol. Shirakawa's final loss became five points, and his third victory of the season was also canceled.

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